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there is nobody to enjoy or appreciate the beauty and

fragrance of those flowers. Similarly, the maxim

conveys that a person born in an unhealthy or nasty

environment, does not shine, inspite of his merits as

there is nobody to appreciate them.

685 . <headword>श्मशानवैराग्यन्यायः
Ex. प्रमादिनो बहिश्चित्ताः पिशुनाः कलहोत्सुकाः

संन्यासिनोऽपि दृश्यन्ते देवसन्दूषिताशयाः

श्मशानान्ते पुराणान्ते मैथुनान्ते च या मतिः

सा मतिः सर्वदा काले (चेत्स्यात् ) नरो नारायगो भवेत्

- -हितोपदेश, मित्रलाभ 68; सा० 764

The people who come to the cemetary for cremating

the dead body, always enshrine the thought that the

human life is momentary and all things are destined to

come to an end. They brood over the transitoriness of

human life. But the moment they come back, the idea

of non-attachment vanish away and all of them get

engrossed in the temporary worldly affairs. The maxim
insists that a momentary rise of detachment which is a

insists that a momentary rise of detachment which is a
reaction to a certain situation, is never effective.

686. <headword>श्यामरक्तन्यायः
The maxim aims at describing the change of situation

in human life; observing that whenever the black colour

of a jar or a piece of cloth disappears, red colour can

be easily applied to them. The situational change is

quite natural.

- -सा० 506

687. <headword>श्यालशुनकन्यायः
A person gave the name of his brother-in-law (wife's

brother) to his dog, to make his wife angry. He used