2023-02-17 10:21:20 by ambuda-bot

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good man who discards, or ignores the drawbacks of
another man and appreciates his virtues only.
-सा० 321
682. शृङ्गग्राहिकान्यायः
Ex. 1. शृङ्गग्राहिकया श्रुत्या ब्रह्मतापोदिता स्फुटम्.... यथा
गोमण्डलस्यां गां शृङ्गं गृहीत्वा विशेषतो दर्शयत्येषा
बहुक्षीरेति ।
- आनन्दगिरिटीका, बृहदारण्यकोपनिषच्छाङ्करभाष्य, 1.4.866
2. यथा गवादयो विषयाः साक्षाच्छृङ्गग्राहिकया प्रति-
पाद्यन्ते प्रतीयन्ते नैवं ब्रह्म ।
शाङ्करभाष्य, 3.2.22..
In a group of cows, the cowherd can identify a
particular man's cow, exactly by catching hold of
its horns.
A cow can be controlled by catching its horns.
This suggests that one can understand something
thoroughly by catching or understanding its
important features.
683. शैलूषीन्यायः
Ex. उपमैका शैलूषी सम्प्राप्ता चित्रभूमिकाभेदात् ।
प्रीणयति काव्यङ्गे नर्तयति तद्विदां चेतः ॥
- चित्रमीमांसा. II.1
Just as an actress assumes different forms, the figure
of speech called 'Simile' can assume the form of many
other figures of speech (mostlybased on resemblance).
684. श्मशानकुसुमन्यायः
Howsoever fragrant and beautiful they may be, the
flowers growing in a burial ground, go in vain, as