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beautiful form and structure. She has beautiful

protruding breasts too. This simple lady feels jealous

of her beautiful form says that the well developed breasts

actually deforms the body, instead of adoring it. Even

the bodice put on them, pricks the breasts. The maxim
based on this fact '

based on this fact
suggests that a person lacking a

particular thing jealously condemns the other who
possesses it and tries to conceal his want of it by some
ridiculous argument.

possesses it and tries to conceal his want of it by some
ridiculous argument.
679. <headword>शुष्केष्टिन्यायः
Cf. भूमिरधिकन्यायः

The maxim means performing a sacrifice in a dry

manner. A disciple may not have correct idea about

the procedure or the paraphernalia of a sacrifice. He

tries to make prowiso for the articles or uses the articles
viso for the articles or uses the articles
which are imagined to be those, necessary for it.

Nevertheless, he slowly acquires the knowledge of the
sacrificial procedure.

sacrificial procedure.
680. <headword>शूकरवाहिकान्यायः
A pig tries to find out a dirty place for movements,

even though it enters a beautiful garden which is

enriched by lovely, colourful fully-bloomed flowers.

The maxim extends this type of behaviour to the wicked

persons who target the weak points of the good persons

and ignores their good qualities.

--सा० 518
681. <headword>शूर्पन्यायः
- सा० 518
A winnowing basket throws out unnecessary matter

like husk and pieces of stone and retains pure unmixed

grain with it. Based on this fact, the maxim describes a