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man is askied to show the tip of his nose, he will takanyayae
his hand round his nec
man is as
and then shows his nose. This
shows the unnecessary cumbersome way of doing
things. When a wor
ked to show the tip of his nose, he will take
his hand round his neck and then shows his nose. This
shows the unnecessary cumbersome way of doing
things. When a work can be done in the most easy
can be done in the most easy
method but unnecessarily uneasy or difficult method is

adopted, this maxim is applicable.

670. <headword>शिलाक्षरन्यायः
The letters inscribed on a stone do not get blurred.

They remain on the stone for a long time. Rather they

remain there permanently. The maxim is applicable to

such imperishable thing.

671. <headword>शीतकिरणकरावलम्बनन्यायः
To try to grab the rays of the moon by the hand is

othing but an impossible work. This maxim is applied

to a situation where some work is being done which is

beyond one's capacity.

- -सा० 889

672. <headword>शीतलाप्रस्तरन्यायः
A stone can be put to many uses. Even a sacred idol

can be fashioned out of a stone. So it is clear that

worthiness or worthlessness of an object, depends

mostly on the sentimental attachment we have for it

than on the substance. In such situations this maxim is

- -सा० 916

673. <headword>शीर्षे सर्पो देशान्तरे वैद्य इति न्यायः
Ex. उपरि धनं धनरहितं दूरे दयिता किमेतदापतितम्

हिमवति दिव्यौषधयः शीर्षे सर्पः समाविष्टः

- -लौकिकन्याय साहस्री; सा० 682

The serpent is just above the head, while the physician

of the snake-bite is far away! If the serpent bites, the

poison cannot be removed. This kind of emergency or

helpless situation is described in this maxim.