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passing in the range of the arrow and was kikanyayakośa
passing in the range of the arrow and was killed.
The maxim is applicable to such sudden, unexpected

661. <headword>शर्करोन्मज्जनीयन्यायः
Cf. शरपुरुषीयन्यायः

The maxim refers to an incident. It shows how a person

who comes within the range, is affected by the action.

A person was sprinkling sugar at one place. At that

time a person just went across. As the action was

continuous, the person who passed by was also

sprinkled over and became smeared with sugar.

662. <headword>शलभन्यायः
A type of moth jumps on a lamp or on the flame of the

lamp and is thus reduced to ashes instantly. The maxim

is applicable to a person of the nature of a moth who

brings about his own destruction thoughtlessly by rash

663. <headword>शल्यकवानाखुन्यायः
This maxim is generally used to convey the idea that a

king should collect taxes from his subject very carefully.

He should exploit the people very delicately like a

mouse which takes out the lower portion of a man

very slowly and cleverly.

664. <headword>शवोद्वर्तनन्यायः
There is no use of applying fragrant unguents to a

corpse. Even if we apply, what is the use of it? The

maxim decries useless actions like this.

665. <headword>शशविषाणन्यायः
Cf. वन्ध्यापुत्रन्यायः

The maxim is used to point out impossible and