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विभाषादि प्रतीतिकारणकत्पात् प्रकमोऽवश्यमस्ति । किन्तुपल-

पत्रशत व्यतिभेदवल्लधवान् न संलक्ष्यते

यत्प्रदीपत्रप्रभाद्युक्तं सूक्ष्मकालोऽस्ति तत्र नः।

दुर्लक्षस्तु यथा वेधः पद्मपत्रशते यथा

--श्लोकवार्तिक, 137.
The maxim speaks about a particular delusion.
That event takes place simultaneously sometime when
a sharp needle is pierced through the hundred petals
of a lotus flower. Their softness creates a delusion that
all the hundred petals are pierced simutaneously, the
needle has to loose the contact with the earlier one and
then contact the next one. But this takes place so quickly,
that a delusion is created that the needle has pierced
the petals at the same time.
658. <headword>शते पञ्चाशदितिन्यायः
It is needless to say that the number fifty is included in
the number hundred. The higher one includes the lower
one of the same type. Sacrifice, charity are included in
one comprehensive term merit.
--सा० 48
- साहित्यदर्पण
The maxim speaks about a particular delusion.
That event takes place simultaneously sometime when
a sharp needle is pierced through the hundred petals
of a lotus flower. Their softness creates a delusion that
all the hundred petals are pierced simutaneously, the
needle has to loose the contact with the earlier one and
then contact the next one. But this takes place so quickly,
that a delusion is created that the needle has pierced
the petals at the same time.

659. <headword>शब्दसुखाश्रितकुरङ्गगतिन्यायः
- श्लोकवार्तिक, 137.
It is needless to say that the num
The maxim tells that a deer which is very much enticed
ber fifty is included in
the num
y music can ber hundred easily caught by playing music near
. The higher one includes the lower
one of the same type. Sacrifice, charity are included in
one comprehens
is means that one can be easily deceive term merit.
- सा० 489
d by one's
habit only.
660 . <headword>शरपुरुषीयन्यायः
The maxim tells that a deer which is very much enticed
by music can be easily caught by playing music near
it. This means that one can be easily deceived by one's
habit only.
Cf. अजाकृपाणीयन्यायः, खल्वाटविल्वीयन्यायः.

Once a perosn was taking an aim to shoot an arrow at

a particular target. The arrow hit a person who was