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यथाध्ययनसिद्धा विद्या, अग्निसाध्येषुच, कर्मसु आधान सिद्धाग्निमत्व
सामर्थ्यं च।
This maxim is applied where the rules or qualifications,
concerning the eligibility of a performer of the sacrifice
are mentioned.
28. <headword>अध्यारोपापवादन्यायः</headword>
यथा असर्पभूतायां रज्जौ सर्पारोपः।
अपवादो नाम रज्जुविवर्तस्थ सर्पस्य रज्जुमात्रत्ववद्
वस्तुविवर्तस्याऽवस्तुनोऽज्ञानादेः प्रपञ्चस्य वस्तुमात्रत्वमिति।
...ताभ्यामध्यारोपावादाभ्यां निष्प्रपञ्चं
सच्चिदानन्दनन्ताद्वय ब्रह्म, प्रपञ्च्यते, विस्तार्यते इति भावः।
This maxim envisages two aspects of perception.
'Apavāda' is that act in which absolutely a different
concept is imposed on an object. When a wrong
imputation is refuted, it is called Apavāda. According
to Vedānta, these two operations help one, to arrive at
the right knowledge of the Supreme.
29. <headword>अनवस्थान्यायः</headword> Cf. देहलीदीपन्यायः
तस्मादर्थान्तर समवायमभ्युपगच्छतः प्रसज्येतैवानवस्था ।
--ब्रह्मसूत्र, शाङ्करभाष्य 2-2-13.
When the matter to be proved and the manner in which
it is proved, become endless (i-e-reaches a stage of
impasse), this maxim becomes applicable to that
situation. It is also called reductio ad absurdum.
30. <headword>अनारभ्याधीतविधिन्यायः</headword>
When a particular injunction is not related to a particular
topic, the injunction is concerned with the natural import
only. Thus when that is not applicable to a particular