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Lauremembering is also felt by an aspirant who thinkikanyayakośa
remembering is also felt by an aspirant who thinks of
s of
the exquisite joy of meditation over the Brahman.

648 . <headword>व्याघ्रचोरधनुर्न्याय:
Some cunning fellows bend low before the people. But

it shows their hypocritic nature. It is not their behaviour

to bend before anybody. It is just the beginning of their

nefarious activities. The maxim gives the example of a

tiger, a thief and a bow whose bending augurs dangerous

-सा० 809

649. <headword>व्याघ्रीक्षीरन्यायः
The maxim says that the milk of the tigress (or a lioness)

becomes more effective when it is stored in a golden

vessel. Similarly, advice imparted to the students who

are endowed with good qualities like physical and

mental control, becomes very effective and powerful

when it is given by the teacher.

650. <headword>व्यालनकुलन्यायः
The maxim speaks of eternal enmity like the one

between the snake and the mungoose.

651. <headword>व्रात्यसंस्कारन्यायः
Vraātya is one who has not undergone any Śamskara

like Upanayana. Such a Brāhmaṇa is not qualified to

solemnize Saṁskāras in others.

652. <headword>व्रीहिबीजन्यायः
When the seeds are sown, only the upper cover is the

beginining; gradually the inner milk like substance gets

solidified and the grain is formed. That darkness (Tamas
is manifested in S

is manifested in Ś
iva; slowly comes activity (Rajas)

and serenity (sattva)' the three Guņas also personify

Brahmaā, Viṣṇu and Śiva.