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644. <headword>वेश्यापुत्रजनकन्यायः
This maxim is used to describe a queer relation like

that of a courtesan and her son, as she maintains

relations with many people, it is difficult to ascertain
the father of her son.

the father of her son.
645. <headword>व्यपगतलेपालाबून्यायः
The maxim is based on a peculiar nature of a pump
When the earth is applied to it, it goes down and sin
When that applied cla
yaya is washed off, it starts floating
on the water. The maxim implies the Jain doctrine that
when a person is freed from action, he moves up and
up. In this example the pump
The maxim is based on a peculiar nature of a pump
in is likin.
When the earth is applied to it, it goes down and sinks.
When that applied clay is washed off, it starts floating
on the water. The maxim implies the Jain doctrine that
when a person is freed from action, he mo
e an indives up and
up. In this example the pumpkin is like an indi
and the co
and the cov
er of earth is his Karman.
- -सा० 704

646. <headword>व्यपदेशिन्यायः
If a man has got only one son, he is the eldest and is

also the youngest. When two characteristics are

applicable to one only this maxim becomes applicable.

By Vyapadeśa two qualities are superimposed on one


-सा० 32

647. <headword>व्यभिचारिणीन्यायः
यथा व्यसनिनी नारी व्यग्रापि गृहकर्मणि।

तदेवास्वादयत्यन्तः परसङ्गरसायनम्

एवं तत्त्वे पदे शुद्धे धीरो विश्रान्तिमागतः


- -लौकिकन्याय साहस्त्री; सा० 45

An unchaste lady always remembers the pleasant

moments of contact which she had with the paramour,

even though she is apparently busy in daily routine

work. The maxim states the similar kind of joy of