2023-02-17 10:21:17 by ambuda-bot

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If some work, though despicable, is accomplished with
one's own endeavour, it is not proper to set it aside. It
is not proper, declares the maxim, to uproot a tree,
nurtured by oneself, even though it is poisonous.
628. विहङ्गमन्यायः
A bird can easily obtain a fruit which is high on the
tree, unlike an ant or a monkey which cannot reach
the sweet fruits which are on the top of the tree.
Similarly, a person of the best qualification who has
acquired right knowledge and has pure heart, can attain
perfect knowledge as compared to other persons.
- सा० 517
629. वीचितरङ्गन्यायः
Ex. वीचीतरङ्गन्यायेन तदुत्पत्तिस्तु कीर्तिता।
'Vīci' means a billow. When many billows come
together, they develop into a Taranga (a wave). Due to
wind, a billow develops into the shape of a wave. The
maxim emphasizes the slowly developing billow into a
wave. This is how the sound waves also develop and
- सा० 228
630. वृकबन्धनन्यायः
This maxim hints at doing a difficult thing by a simple
device. If a wolf is to be caught, some butter is kept on
the head of the wolf. As it melts, it enters the eyes of
the wolf and thus it becomes easy to catch the wolf.
- सा० 251
631. वृक्षपक्षिन्यायः
The birds live on the trees. They build their nests on
the tree and nourish their eggs on the trees only. Simply