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there is smokikanyayakośa
there is smok
e there is fire-plays an important role.

The maxim refers to this probans only.

613. <headword>वह्निन्यायः
This maxim gives two special features of the fire:-

(i) Fire, though alone, can burn houses.

Many fire-particles (fire-sparks) emanate from
the fire.

the fire.
614. <headword>वह्निविस्फुलिङ्गन्यायः
The maxim suggests that from one Brahman only, many

worldly things are produced, as many sparks are emitted
from one fire only.

from one fire only.
615. <headword>वाक्यभेदन्यायः
The maxim refers to a general rule of grammar that

one sentence should convery one meaning only. But if

the expressive ideas are more than one, then those

fragments of that sentence are mutually dependent.

According to Mimāṁsā also, extracting many connota-

tions from a sentence leads to a fault of 'split sentence'

Mimāṁsā rules that if there is some injunction in one

part, other parts of that sentence should be understood

to be a laudatory passage to avoid Väkyabheda. If it is
laid down that the inquiry into Dharma should be
undertaken after the study of the Vedas, it does not
mean that inquiry into Dharma is prohibited before
Vedic studies; othewise the interpretation will lead to
a. If it is
laid down that the inquiry into Dharma should be
undertaken after the study of the Vedas, it does not
mean that inquiry into Dharma is prohibited before
Vedic studies; othewise the interpretation will lead to
616 . <headword>वाजिमन्दुरान्यायः
Mandurā means a stable, the place where horses are

kept. The word Vājin means a horse. The word Vāji

in this compound is redundant. There are many maxims