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Laukikanbride come together and decide about the marriage of
the bride and the bridegroom. If the relatives of both
of them give their consent, then onl
bride come to
the marriagether and decide about the marriage of
the bride and the bridegroom. If the relatives of both
of them give their consent, then only the marriage

takes place, says the rnaxim. 'Goștṣṭhi' is a place where

talks on certain topics are delivered. Secondarily, it

means any place where discussions take place. This

maxim refers to a place of discussion where some

discussion about the selection of a bridegroom takes

place. It may also mean a place where some decisions

are taken after discussion of both the parties.

609. <headword>वरघातककन्यावरणन्यायः
The maxim literally means that the selection of a bride

which may result in the peril of the bridegroom, should

be avoided. By extended application it exhorts people

not to undertake even desirable things if they are

detrimental to the existence of some good-things.

610. <headword>वर्चोन्यायः
Cf. मीमांसासूत्र 3.8; 25-27

The maxim refers to a Mīmāṁsā rule that when lustre

is solicited from the God of fire, the lustre is accrued

by the sacrificer and not by the priest who actually

articulates the request.

611. <headword>वलीमुखनारिकेलन्यायः
The monkey knows how to pluck the coconut fruit and

make it fall down. It does not know how to use that

fruit. The maxim describes an ignorant man who cannot

make use of the available things.

612. <headword>वह्निधूमन्यायः
The maxim refers to the association of fire with the

smoke. In inferences, the probans (Vyāpti) like--where