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602. <headword>वदतोव्याघातन्यायः
The maxim describes a situation in which the speaker
utters something which contradicts his own words.

utters something which contradicts his own words.
- -सा० 693

603. <headword>वधूमाषमापनन्यायः
न चानवस्था अवश्यवेद्यत्वानभ्युपगमान्निश्चयवदन्यथा

तु अनिश्चितनिश्चयस्य नाद्यनिश्चयोऽपि सिध्येत न

चास्तवात्मन्यनिश्चय इति तादिदं वधूमाषमापन वृतानामनुहरति

- -आत्मविवेक, पृ० 87

This maxim tells that even good intentional actions

also lead to undesirable situations. A Brāhmaṇa used

to give a handful of blackgram to his wife to offer

them to the beggars. When his son got married, he

entrusted this work of distribution of alms to his

daughter-in-law, thinking that less blackgrams will be

carried in her little fists. This girl was very beautiful

and good looking. So many beggars started coming to

his house, not for blackgram but to have a look at this

sweet lady, resulting in the distribution of a large

quantity of blackgrams.

604. <headword>वध्यघातुकन्यायः
प्रतिपद्य पदार्थं हि विरोधात् तद्विरोधिनः

पश्चादभावं जानाति वध्यधातुकवत् पदात्

- -तैत्तिरीयवार्तिक, 2.1.65; सा० 380

The killer and the one going to be killed can never

remain together. To indicate that hostile persons cannot

stay together this maxim is employed.