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LauThe maxim maintains that a goddess called "Śankihinī
may offer gold to the devotee if she is pleased with
him. But conch "Śan
kanha" which simplyayakośa
The maxim maintains that a goddess called "Sankhini
may offer gold to the devotee if she is pleased with
him. But conch "Sankha" which simply produces soun
produces sound
(Laporaka) does not give anything. Just by similarity

in name, one should not expect even a cowrie from the

ankha (the conch).

-सा० 938

587. <headword>लवणामलकीन्यायः
The maxim speaks about unexpected meeting of person:
which is like the coming together of an AĀmalaki frui
ī fruit
from the forest and salt from the sea. Though the

original taste of these two is different, the combined

taste is very sweet.

588 . <headword>लशुनभक्षणन्यायः
Garlic has a strong, lingering smell, so it is considered

unholy and prohibited in the Śāstras. It has medicinal

value also. One patient with an intention of curing his

disease, ate it. But to his bad fate, his disease was not

cured. He committed a sin by eating that prohibited

thing. So he suffered from double disadvantage by

eating garlic. The maxim aims at describing an act of

double disadvantage by giving the example of garlic.

589 . <headword>लाक्षारसावसिक्तकार्पासबीजन्यायः.
Ex. यस्मिन्नेव सन्ताने ह्याहिता कर्मवासना

फलं तत्रैव बध्नाति कार्पासे रक्तता यथ।

- -सर्पदर्शनसङ्ग्रह, आर्हतदर्शन; सा० 700

If cotton seeds are sprinkled over with the lac dye and

then sown in the ground, the cotton yield which grows
in the field in due course of time is also red cotton.

in the field in due course of time is also red cotton.
Taking this example of the red cotton yield, the maxim

says implicitly that the actions in this birth are tinged

with the subliminal impressions.