2023-02-17 10:21:15 by ambuda-bot

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does not mean that the two things are completely
identical. The rice brought in two houses is rice only
but the name, colour, form, smell and in many other
ways it is not the same-says this maxim.
583. रेखागवयन्यायः
Cf. (i)
वाचस्पति मिश्र तात्पर्य टीका, पृ० 457.
वेदान्तकल्पतरु, पृ० 363
Once a villager asked a person the meaning of the
word Gavaya (a wild bull). The man made a sketch of
the animal with the help of some lines. The villager
got some idea after seeing the picture. When he went
to the forest, he saw a peculiar type of bull, resembling
the picture drawn by that man. He could identify it to
be a Gavaya. The maxim based on this incident says
that a man gets some vague idea about the Atmã. But
with the help of a teacher, he gets a clear, distinct idea
about the self.
584. रोगिरोगन्यायः
When a diseased person dies the disease from which
he was suffering, also goes away with him. The maxim
states that when an object (Dharmi) perishes, its
property (Dharma) also perishes with the object automa-
585. लतावृक्षन्यायः
Nobody can sustain without any support. This truth is
exemplified in this maxim, taking an example of a
creeper, which cannot grow independently. It has to
take support of a tree.
586 लपोरशङ्खन्यायः
Ex. शङिखनी काञ्चनं दद्योदहं शङ्खो लपोरकः वादामि
बहवाक्यानि न ददामि कपर्दिकाम् ॥