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कर्तव्ये प्रधानार्थवाद इवाङ्गार्थवादे श्रुतस्यापि फलस्य


-कल्पतरुपरिमल, ब्रह्मसूत्र 3.3.31.

According to one of the Mimāṁsā rules, where no

fruit is mentioned pertaining to a particular rite, the

fruit mentioned in the laudatory passage should be

taken as the fruit of the ritual. But when there is no

mention of any fruit, it is laid down that the heaven is

the fruit, especially in one of the Vedic rituals.

577. <headword>राधावेधोपमान्यायः
Ex सा चेयती भवेत्कस्य सामग्रीयं सुदुर्लभा

राधावेधोपमानेन धर्मप्राप्तिः प्रकीर्तिता।

-उपमितप्रपञ्चकथा, पृ० 413, 420, 434

The word 'Rädhäādhāvedha' in the maxim means aiming

at the centre of a target or hitting the bull's eye. It also

means the seat for taking the aim. Rādhābhedin is an

adjective used for Arjuna.

578. <headword>रामठकरण्डन्यायः
Even if asafoetida (Hरामठ) is removed from a box, the

fragrance of it remains behind for sometime. Similarly

states the maxim, fragrance or any courtesy leaves its

effect behind. So much so that its effect lingers on,

even if the individual bearing it goes away.

579. <headword>रासभक्रन्दितन्यायः
The braying of an ass is at the top of its voice, at the

beginning but gradually it diminishes and becomes

weak. The maxim remarks that the affection and love

shown by a wicked person grows on decreasing

gradually and finishes at the end.