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Laumanner. One cannot enter the city as he likikanyayakośa
manner. One cannot enter the city as he lik
es. It is

better then to be cautious and enter the capital in a

queue. This maxim is applicable to the situation where
there is harmonious situation and where there is proper
causal relation.

there is harmonious situation and where there is proper
causal relation.
574. <headword>राजपुत्रव्याधन्यायः
Once a prince was handed over to a hunter by his

stepmother. The hunter brought him up like his own

son. Once a relative of the prince came to him and

revealed that he was actually a prince only. Thereafter,

he began to behave like a prince and cultivated Ks

atriya quality in him and after some days, he became a

king. The maxim remarks that the individual soul

forgets its real nature and thinks itself to be a limited

self only. By and by, with the advice of the preceptor,

it realizes its own real state of the Brahman.

575. <headword>राजसेवान्यायः
Ex. सेवाधर्मः परमगहनो योगिनामय्यगम्यः

- -भतृहरि, नीतिशतक, 47

Doing service to anybody is a difficult work. Moreover

it is very difficult to serve a king. Inspite of his hard

and sincere work, the servant is always blamed. The

maxim emphasizes the fact that serving anybody is a

very difficult work.

576 . <headword>रात्रिसत्रन्यायः
Ex. (1) मीमांसासूत्र 4.3.17-19.

( 2 )
तथा सर्वपापप्रदाहोऽपि ब्रह्मलिङ्गप्रश्नोत्तराभ्यां

प्राधान्येन प्रतिपिपादयिषित तयोपक्रान्तस्योपासनस्य

फलाकाङ्ङ्क्षया रात्रिसत्रन्यायेनार्थनादिकफलपरिणामे