2023-02-17 10:21:15 by ambuda-bot

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569. रथवडवान्यायः
The female horses yoked to a chariot, can draw the
chariot well, if they make concerted effort. Similarly,
suggests the maxim, if the chariot of worldly life is to
be drawn safely, the two wheels in the form of the wife
and husband should work smoothly and amicably.
- सा० 393
570. रथ्य्यादीपन्यायः
When a lamp is being carried on a high way, the light
of the lamp falls on a place, then comes the actual
lamp. The light moves forward and that place is
darkened slightly. Thus a regular chasing game takes
place between the light and the darkness on the
highway. The maxim declares that the life is also a
game of light and darkness i.e. joy and sorrow, which
occur alternately in life.
571. रथ्याप्रवाहन्यायः
The water in the rainy season flows on the roads and
then meets the streams or rivers. So also, asserts the
maxim that the small groups of followers in the fields
of either politics or philosophy or similar other
parlances, become one with the bigger groups.
572. रश्मितृणादिन्यायः
If the sunlight falls on the grass, various colours in it
are clearly visible. But if it falls on the Süryakanta
jewel, fire is produced. The maxim on the basis of the
above example says that a man may show mercy for
one but the same man has hatred for another.
573 राजपुत्रप्रवेशन्यायः
One has to enter the capital city of a king in a disciplined