2023-02-17 10:21:15 by ambuda-bot

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on a rope. This delusion changes due to false imposition
called Vivarta. From the abstract Brahman, the
multifarious world cannot take its rise. Then what is
the phenomenon of the world? Actually, the world is
only a false appearance, on the substratum of the
Brahman, as there is the false appearance of the serpent
on a rope. This example is often repeated in the works
on Advaita philosophy.
567. रण्डाविवाहन्यायः
An unchaste woman thinking of marriage! Though
astonishing, it should be accepted that an unchaste
woman does have passionate feelings but even then,
she cannot satisfy her passion with only one man with
whom she is wedded. The maxim tells, that is why this
woman does not think about marriage.
568. रथकाराधिकरणन्यायः
Ex. आधाने श्रूयते । वर्षासु रथकार आदधीतेति, चेत् नैवम् ।
सङ्कीर्णजातिविशेषे रूढत्वात् । वैश्यायां क्षत्रियादुत्पन्नो
महिष्यः ।
शूद्रायां वैश्यादुत्पन्नः करणी। तस्यां करण्यां माहिष्यादुत्पन्नो
रथकारः ।
तथां च याज्ञवल्क्यः । माहिष्येण करण्यां तु रथकार:
प्रजायते । इति ।
- जैमिनीयन्यायमाला विस्तार
The word Rathakāra means a man fashioning a chariot,
a carpenter. But he is not included among the first
three Varnas Thus the conventional meaning is stronger
than the derivative meaning. This is what is conveyed
by the maxim. A child of a Vaisya lady and a Sudra
husband is 'Karani' When a son is born from Karani
and a Mahişya husband, he is called a Rathakāra.