2023-02-17 10:21:14 by ambuda-bot

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foolhardiness, like the two cocks which continue to
fight though they bleed profusely.
563. यूकाभियान्यानाश्रयणन्यायः
Ex. काव्यं शुभे विरचिते खलु नो खलेभ्यः
कश्चिद् गुणो भवति यद्यपि सम्प्रतीह ।
कुर्यां तथापि सुजनार्थमिदं यतः किं
यूकाभयेन परिधान विमोक्षणं स्यात् ॥
Should one discard a blanket because the bed.bugs or
lice in it are likely to bite? Should one not write poems
because many uninterested and wicked people are
unable to appreciate the poems? This maxim is
applicable to a person who wants to give up the benefits,
simply because some loss is likely to occur.
56.4, यूपपशुन्यायः
Once the animal is tied to the sacrificial post, its death
becomes certain. Similarly, when the early signs are
seen, the consequences begin to appear. This is the
purport of the maxim.
565. रक्तपटन्यायः
When a sentence has no expectancy (for the import)
and when no other word is necessary for the proper
understanding of the sentence, some expectancy is
deliberately created and a consistency of meaning is
established. Though thereis-no expetancy in "There
is no cloth." But expectancy can be created by the
question "of what type"? is suggested by the word
"red." There is a cloth can be expanded into there is a
red cloth. The maxim incorporates this device.
- सा० 501
566. रज्जुसर्पन्यायः
This maxim is based on the false imposition of serpent