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Laukikanget the same joya if he swims in a ditch full of this
gruel? The maxim indirectl
advises the people to be
satisfied with a limited quantity of whatever thin
get the same jo they if he swims in a ditch full of this
gruel? The maxim indirectly advises the people to be
satisfied with a limited quantity of whatever thing they

559. <headword>याचितकमण्डनन्यायः
Ex.अस्याः मुखश्रीप्रतिबिम्बमेव जलाच्च तातान्मुकुराच्चमित्रान्

अभ्यर्थ धत्तः खलु पद्मचन्द्रौ विभूषणं याचितकं कदाचित्

- -श्रीहर्ष, नैषधीयचरित, 8.56

Some people who have no ornaments of their own,

decorate their bodies with borrowed ornaments. This

desire for parading oneself in the people, even without

proper resources is vented out by the maxim.

560 . <headword>यावत्तैलंतावदाख्यानमून्यायः
The religious discourses can go on till there is oil in

the lamp. Once it is exhausted, there was darkness and

consequently no narration continue. The maxim, on

the strength of this event tells that the work can be

done so long as the means or resources are available.

561. 'यावद्वचनंवाचनिकम्' न्यायः

Ex. (i) कश्चात्र विशेषः । स यदि वाचनिकस्ततो

यावद्वचनमेव कर्तव्यः । - -तन्त्रवार्तिक, V.3.12.

(ii) शाबर भाष्य, मीमांसासूत्र, V.4.11; V.3.12.

This maxim is applied to certain conditions in the Śāstra

literature to those words or statements, in which the

words are sufficient enough to express the meaning of

the statement. No additional words or explanations are


562. <headword>युध्यत्कुक्कुटन्यायः
The maxim states that some men go on fighting with