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551. <headword>मृद्घटन्यायः
मृद्धट दव सुरवमेद्यो दुःसधानश्च दुर्जनो भवति

सुजनस्तु कनकघट इव दुर्भेदः सुकरसंधिश्च
552. मेघचातकन्यायः
An earthen jar can be fashioned in a short time but it
can be broken or destroyed within a short time.
A metal jar requires a good deal of time for perparation
but it cannot be broken easily. It lasts for a long time.
The maxim is applicable to a similar type of friend

ship. When it is formed quickly, perishes quickly. But
the friendship which is made after a long time, lasts
long and is never broken easily.
553 मेषयुद्धन्यायः
- पंचतन्त्र, मित्रसम्प्राप्ति - 38

An earthen jar can be fashioned in a short time but it
can be broken or destroyed within a short time.
A metal jar requires a good deal of time for perparation
but it cannot be broken easily. It lasts for a long time.
The maxim describes the real friendship as one which
is applicable to a similar type of friend-
ship. When it is formed quickly, perishes quickly. But
the friendship which is made after a long time, lasts
long and is never broken easily.
552. <headword>मेघचातकन्यायः</headword>
The maxim describes the real friendship as one which
is there between the Căātaka bird and the cloud. The

cātaka takes water from the clouds only and not from

anywhere else.

553. <headword>मेषयुद्धन्यायः</headword>
Once two rams were fighting with each other. A jackal
intervened and tried to stop them from fighting but
alas, it was killed in that confusion. This maxim suggests
that when two persons of equal strength are fighting,
and if a weak person intervenes in that fight, there is a
danger of the loss of his own life.
554. <headword>यथाराज्ञन्यायः
Once two rams were fighting with each othet.
People often try to imitate their king--his merits or
demerits. So the maxim declares--
A s the king, so the
intervened and tried to stop them from fighting but
alas, it was killed in that confusion
ects. This maxim suggests
that when two persons of equal strength are fighting,
and if a weak person intervenes in that fight, there is a
danger of the loss of his own life.
People often try to imitate their king-his merits or
demerits. So the maxim declares—As the king, so the
e subjects. The subjects of the empire follow the foot
of the empire follow the foot