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544. <headword>मुञ्जादिषीकोद्धरणन्यायः
Ex. ( 1 ) यथा मुञ्जादिषीकैवमात्मा युक्त्या समुद्धृतः

शरीरत्रितयाद् धीरैः परब्रह्मैवे जायते

--पञ्चदशी, 1; तत्त्वविवेक, 42
( 2 ) अङागुण्ठमात्र: पुरुषोऽन्तरात्मा सदा जनानां हृदये

सन्निविष्टः । तं स्वाच्छरीरात्प्रवृहेन्मुञ्जदिवैषीकां धैर्येणं

तं विद्याच्छुक्रममृतम्

--कठोपनिषद् 6.17
In the inner side of the Muñjā grass, there is a thread
like long and soft grass, resembling a thin tube. That
tube like grass can be carefully taken out from the
Munjā grass. The maxim, referring to this speciality,
tells that the persons observing celibacy, can slowly
separate themselves from the three types of bodies.
Then the self becomes one with the Brahman which is
of the nature of consciousness or Bliss.
545. <headword>मुण्डितशिरोनक्षत्रान्वेषणन्यायः
Trying to find an auspicious time for the work already
done is useless. The maxim says that it is as useless as
the action of a man who first gets his head shaved and
then tries to find out any auspicious time
, 1; तत्त्वविवेक, 42
- कठोपनिषद् 6.17
In the inner side of the Muñjā grass, there is a thread
like long and soft grass, resembling a thin tube. That
tube like grass can be carefull
day taken out from the
Munja grass. The maxim, referring to this speciality,
tells that the persons observing celibacy, can slowly
separate themselves from the three types of bodies.
Then the self becomes one with the Brahman which is
of the nature of consciousness or Bliss.
or moment
for it.
546. <headword>मूषासिक्तताम्रन्यायः
Trying to find an auspicious time for the work already
done is useless. The maxim says that it is as useless as
the action of a man who first gets his head shaved and
then tries to find out any auspicious time, day or moment
for it.
Ex. मूषासिक्तं यथा ताम्रं तन्निमं जायते तथा

रूपादीन् व्याप्नुपच्चित्तं तन्निमं दृश्यते ध्रुवम्

पञ्चदशी, द्वैतविवेक 4, 28

Hot liquid metal is poured in a crucible. That metal

liquid takes some shape when it is cooled down.

The maxim describes the process of mind indicating