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born in a rich family. But the memory of his earlier life

was intact. So he began to distribute the same leafy

vegetables to the poor and needy. That was a very low

type of charity. The maxim gives this instance and

remarks that the merit acqired by small charity in the

state of poverty cannot be aquired by doing the same

charity in rich, prosperous life.

538 . <headword>मार्जारकवलन्यायः
When many persons sit together for food, they put the

morsels of food in their mouth by taking them in their

hands. If a cat is observing this, it thinks that the persons

are taking food in their hands with a view to give it to

itself ( The maxim generalizes this incident by

saying that selfish persons think that activities which

others do are in their favour only.

539 . <headword>मार्जारकिशोरन्यायः
Ex. अनन्याश्चिन्तयन्तो मां ये जनाः पर्युपासते।

तेषां नित्याभियुक्तानां योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम्

-भगवद्गीता, 9.46

When a female cat carries its young ones from one

place to another place, it holds them carefully in its

mouth. The young ones have nothing to do because

they are safe with the mother cat. This is in contrast

with the practice of a female monkey where the

young one has to hold the mother tightly. The maxim,

on the basis of this fact asserts that the God himself

looks after the devotees.

540 . <headword>मार्जारदुग्धपानन्याय:
When a cat drinks milk, it closes its eyes. It thinks that

nobody is looking at it. Similarly., a person who

commits some sinful acts also thinks that he can do