2023-02-17 10:21:12 by ambuda-bot

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an affluent person and discards him when that chance
is not there.
A bee can easily make a hole in any hard substance
like wood but once it enters into the delicate, loving
petals of the beautiful, colourful lotus, it cannot come
- 323, 324, 325
The maxim conveys the above three meanings.
513. भ्वादिन्यायः
प्रभाव, अनुभव, परिभव, सम्भव, विभव । – The prefixes
change the meaning of the roots.
This maxim says that roots in grammar convey different
meanings especially, when prefix (upasarga) is added
to them. Similarly, one unique Brahman appears to be
multifarious, owing to the adjuncts.
514. मक्षिकातन्तुनाभन्यायः
A spider exudes out its saliva like secretion and weaves
a delicate net from the tiny threads out of its saliva.
When a fly is caught in that net, the spider catches it
and kills it. Similarly, says the maxim that a shrewd
and wicked person also weaves a net of his cunning
ways and traps the people by his wicked manner and
destroys them in the end.
515. मक्षिकान्यायः
A fly sits on the wounded part without caring the
entire body. So also, the wicked people take pleasure
in finding faults of others without looking at their good
point, says the maxim.
516. मज्जनोन्मज्जनन्यायः
Ex. अपारसंसारसमुद्रमध्ये निमज्जतो मे शरणं किमस्ति ।
गुरो कृपालो कृपया वदेतद् विश्वेशपादाम्बुज दीर्घनौका ॥