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509. <headword>भूशैत्योष्णन्यायः
Ex. उष्णत्वमञ्न्यातपसंप्रयोगाच्छैत्यं हि यत्सा प्रकृतिर्जलस्य

- -रघुवंश, V. 54

Cf. जलौष्ण्यन्याय, वायुशैत्योष्ण्यन्याय.

The maxim is used to point out some external changes

in objects, the common properties of which adopt

peculiar external properties. Water is naturally cool

but becomes hot when it contacts cold or heat, though

510. <headword>भृङ्गकीटन्यायः
A bee picks out an insect from the sand. It flies around

that insect with its fluttering sound and then converts

that insect in a bee like insect. Similarly, a teacher also

makes his student learned like himself by repeated

efforts in giving him education.

511. <headword>भेर्याघातन्यायः
With the beating of a drum, one may walk ten steps,

twenty steps, thirty steps or even forty steps, according

to one's own stamina or onée's own physical strength.

The maxim says that one does the work according to

one's capacity. There cannot be one rule for all.

512. <headword>भ्रमरन्यायः
When a bee goes near a thorny bush, it avoids the

orns and goes to the lowers only. So also, a good

person accepts the good qualities and is indifferent to

the bad qualities of others.

Moreover, a selfish person approaches only that person

by whom he can be benefitted otherwise he shuns

him, exactly in a manner in which a person approaches