2023-02-19 10:44:50 by vishal
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and consonants. Consonants cannot be articulated
without the help of vowels. The consonants (Hals) are
powerless without vowels (Acs). This maxim is used
when dependence of one on some other is to be
Due to the long and heavy body, it is difficult for a boa
to move about. So any creature which comes near it
by chance, it swallows it. Similarly, a crane waits silently
for a chance to catch a fish which comes within the
range of catching.
for a chance to catch a fish which comes within the
range of catching.
14. <headword>अजहत्स्वार्थवृत्तिन्यायः
'Vṛtti' is the function of a word by which the meaning
of a word is conveyed by some another word. When
some primary meanings give up their meaning-this
function of conveying secondary meaning is called
'Jahatsvãrtha'. Patañjali has dealt with this topic in his
commentary on Paṇinian sūtra. "Samarthaḥ Padavidhi"
--this function is one of the functions of Laukikanyayakośa
and consonants. Consonants cannotṣaṇā be articulated
without the hely
which secondary meaning is conveyed, without the
original sense being given up of vowels. The consonants (Hals) are
powerless without vowels (Acs). This maxim is used
when dependence of one on some other is to be
15. <headword>अजाकृपाणीयन्यायः
'Vrtti' is the function of a word by which the meaning
of a word is conveyed by some another word. When
some primary meanings give up their meaning-this
function of conveying secondary meaning is called
'Jahatsvãrtha'. Patañjali has dealt with this topic in his
commentary on Paninian sūtra. "Samarthaḥ Padavidhi"
-this function is one of the functions of Lakṣaṇā by
which secondary meaning is conveyed, without the
original sense being given up.
Itf a she-goat and a knife happen to come together, it is
the she-goat which suffers and not the knife-When
something happens accidentally, this maxim is used. This
accidental and unknowing happenings are also indicated
in "Kākatāliya" and "Khalvāṭa bilviīya" nyāyas.
16. <headword>अजागलस्तनन्यायः
धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां यस्यैकोऽतिप न विद्यते ।
अजागलस्तनस्येव तस्य जन्म निरर्थकम् ॥
- ब्रह्माण्डपुरुष, अ० 150; सा० 582
A piece of flesh hangs under the neck of a goat. It has
without the help of vowels. The consonants (Hals) are
powerless without vowels (Acs). This maxim is used
when dependence of one on some other is to be
Due to the long and heavy body, it is difficult for a boa
to move about. So any creature which comes near it
by chance, it swallows it. Similarly, a crane waits silently
for a chance to catch a fish which comes within the
range of catching.
for a chance to catch a fish which comes within the
range of catching.
14. <headword>अजहत्स्वार्थवृत्तिन्यायः
'Vṛtti' is the function of a word by which the meaning
of a word is conveyed by some another word. When
some primary meanings give up their meaning-this
function of conveying secondary meaning is called
'Jahatsvãrtha'. Patañjali has dealt with this topic in his
commentary on Paṇinian sūtra. "Samarthaḥ Padavidhi"
--this function is one of the functions of La
and consonants. Consonants cannot
without the hel
which secondary meaning is conveyed, without the
original sense being given up
powerless without vowels (Acs). This maxim is used
when dependence of one on some other is to be
15. <headword>अजाकृपाणीयन्यायः
'Vrtti' is the function of a word by which the meaning
of a word is conveyed by some another word. When
some primary meanings give up their meaning-this
function of conveying secondary meaning is called
'Jahatsvãrtha'. Patañjali has dealt with this topic in his
commentary on Paninian sūtra. "Samarthaḥ Padavidhi"
-this function is one of the functions of Lakṣaṇā by
which secondary meaning is conveyed, without the
original sense being given up.
the she-goat which suffers and not the knife-When
something happens accidentally, this maxim is used. This
accidental and unknowing happenings are also indicated
in "Kākatāliya" and "Khalvāṭa bilv
16. <headword>अजागलस्तनन्यायः
धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां यस्यैकोऽतिप न विद्यते ।
अजागलस्तनस्येव तस्य जन्म निरर्थकम् ॥
- ब्रह्माण्डपुरुष, अ० 150; सा० 582
A piece of flesh hangs under the neck of a goat. It has