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fuel. The maxim underscores the fact--that Familiarity

breeds contempt.

506 . <headword>भीमभासदृढन्यायः
Ex. दामव्यालकटन्यायो न स्यात्तव कदाचन

भीम भास दृढंन्यायः सर्वदा तेऽस्तु राघव --योगवासिष्ठ

This maxim refers to an episode in the Yogavāsiṣṭha.

Sabara, a demon, possessing miraculous powers, created

three demons called Bhīma, Bhāsa and Dṛdha. But

later, they acquired the supreme knowledge in contrast

with those three demons Dāma. Vyāla and Kata who
ṭa who
were reduced to reprehensible birth like that of a

rnosquito, due to their ignorance.

507. <headword>भूमिरधिकन्यायः
A soldier who is desirous of attaining skill in defeating

the enemy troops, practises that art of fighting by

drawing imaginery pictures on the ground and thinks
of military strategy in a playway manner.

of military strategy in a playway manner.
508 <headword>भूलिङ्गशकुनिन्यायः
Ex. न गाथा माथिनं शास्ति बहु चेदपि गायति

प्रकृति यान्ति भूतानि भूलिङ्गशकुनिर्यथा

- -महाभारत; सा० 340

The maxim tells that some men, though clever, are

hypocrites in their behaviour. They do exactly opposite

of what they say. Bhulinga bird is found in the Himalaya

region. It always exorts the people not to do any rash,

adventurous act and should remain away from venturous

deed! But at the same time, it does an adventurous act

of entering the jaw of a lion to pickup some flesh

pieces, attached to its teeth.