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name of a lady) may delight her husband, may cause

anguish to her co-wife or may lure some other person
by her beauty.

by her beauty.
500. <headword>भावार्थाधिकरणन्यायः
Cf. आपदेव, मीमांसान्यायप्रकाश, पृ० 851.

In Mimāṁsā terminology, the verbal part of any Vedic

injunction is called Bhāvanā, of which Ārthi is one of
the two types
ī is one of
the two types-
-Kim Bhavayet, Kena Bhavayet, Katham

Bhavayet are the three basic questions. The third one

gets the reply about the means or Karaṇa, according

to Bhāvārthādhikarana.
501 <headword>भिक्षुताडितश्वानन्यायः
This maxim alludes to the noble nature of a dog. Once

a dog approached Rāma and complained that a beggar

had beaten it severely. The king summoned the beggar

who pleaded that the dog always followed him wherever

he went. Because of the fear of the barking dog, no

body came near him to give alms. So he beat it. The

dog, in return pleaded that it was a worshipper in a

temple, in its earlier birth. It used to eat the food

prepared for the deity and Brāhmaṇas. He accepted

the punishment and requested the king to appoint

the beggar as a worshipper of the temple. Then the

dog went to Kāśī and died there. It had the sacred

Darśana of Sri Raāma and reached the ultimate goal-i.e.

502. <headword>भिक्षुपादप्रसारण न्यायः
Ex. ( 1 ) भिक्षुपादप्रसरणन्यायेन क्षणभञ्गाद्यभिधामुखेन स्वामि-

त्वानुकूल्यवेदनीयत्वानुगजत्वसर्वसत्यत्वाभ्रम व्यावर्त
नेन सर्वशून्यतायामेव प्रसरणम्

- -सर्वदर्शनसङ्ग्रह, दर्शन, पृ० 14