2023-02-17 10:21:11 by ambuda-bot

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496. भस्त्रिकालवित्रन्यायः
pale owing to some calamities. But he shines as usual,
like fire afterward. The fire may seem to be silent
when it is covered with ashes but once the ash is
removed, it burns brightly again.
497. भाण्डानुसारिस्नेहन्यायः
If something is kept in a bellowing bag, nothing will
happen to it even though air taken in and puffed out.
But if a sickle is kept, its movenent will simply tear off
the billowing bag. A dectructive thing should not be
kept near, the maxim advises.
Ex. कः पुनरनुशयो नामेति । केचित्तावदाहुः । स्वर्गस्थस्य कर्मणो
भुक्तफलस्यावशेषः कश्चिदनुशयो नाम भाण्डानुसा-
रिस्नेहवत् । यथा हि स्नेहभाण्डं रिप्यमानं न सर्वात्मना
रिच्यते भाण्डानुसर्येव कश्चित् स्नेहशेषोऽतिष्ठते, तथाऽनु-
शयोऽमीति ।
498. भाण्डालेख्यन्यायः
- शाङ्करभाष्य, ब्रह्मसूत्र 3.1.8
The maxim says that a man living in some other world,
may sojourn to different world. But he carries some
remnants of the previous life in that world, as there
will be some oil sticking to a vessel, even though oil is
completely emptied from it.
Cf. खण्डन खण्डखाद्य commentary, p. 289.
The maxim tells that specialities of some pictures
engraved on some metalware are those of the pictures
only. The metal has nothing to do with them.
The maxim shows how the same name may have
different effects on different persons, Bhāmati (is the