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also come means that Vasiṣṭha who is a Brāhmaṇa has

come. The term Brāhmaṇa in the former part of the

sentence sets aside other special characteristics.

Therefore, the term Brāhmaṇa is used. This maxim is

utilized in the explanation of the Paninian Sūtra


490. <headword>ब्राह्मश्रमणन्यायः
Cf. गोबलीवर्दन्यायः

यः पूर्वं क्वापि वाक्यार्थे अलङ्कारभावमुपमा दिरूपतया अन्वभूत्,

इदानीं त्वजलङ्काररूप एव, अन्यत्र गुणीभावभावात्।

स पूर्वप्रत्यभिज्ञानबलात् अलङ्कारध्वनिरिति व्यपदिश्यते


- -सा० 168

A brāhmaṇa embraces Buddhism and becomes a

Bhikṣu or a Śramaṇaka. Nevertheless, he is referred

to as a Brāhmaṇa owing to his previous state. This

maxim is used in the Saāhitya śāstra works to explain

the figure of speech called Vyatireka Alamkāra.

491. <headword>भद्राघटन्यायः
A person called Bhadra served a Yakṣa ardently. As a

result of it, he got a Bhadraghata from the Yakṣa which

yielded all the desires. Once he served rich delicious

food to his relatives and friends. They, obviously, wanted

to know the reason behind his sudden prosperity. Once

in an intoxicated mood, he kept that jar on his head

and began to saunter here and there. Unfortunately,

that Bhadraghaṭa fell down from his head and broke

into pieces. The maxim, through this example, conveys

that an arrogant and an unlucky person cannot retain
his affluence.

his affluence.