2023-02-17 10:21:10 by ambuda-bot

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entire body of the deer. The maxim says that unplanned
efforts are not very fruitful.
- सा० 18
476. बहुसपत्नीकन्यायः
Ex. जिह्यैकतोऽमुमपकर्षति कर्हि तर्षां
शिश्नोऽन्यतस्त्वगुदर श्रवणं कुतश्चित् ।
घ्राणोऽन्यतश्चपल दकं क्व च कर्मशक्तिर्बह्मयः
सपत्न्य इव गेहपति लुनन्ति ।
- भागवत
If a man has many wives, he cannot give sexual joy to
all at a time. Similarly the maxim observes that a person
cannot satisfy different sense organs.
477. बह्वनुग्रहन्यायः
बहूनामप्यसाराणां मेलनं कार्यसाधकम् ।
तृणैः सम्पाद्यते रञ्जुर्यथा नागोऽपि बधते ॥
The maxim lauds the combined strength of different
individuals which is produced after their coming
together. The blades of grass are weak but when they
are woven together into a rope, even a big elephant
can be tied with it and controlled.
478. बह्यनुसरणन्यायः
This maxim tells that many a time it is advisable to
follow the views of many people.
479. बाणोष्ट्रीन्यायः
The maxim states that the prohibitory injunctions or
sentences protect the self and annul the non-self.
This is supported by an event. Once a boa encircled a
female camel. On seeing this, an archer shot an arrow
at the boa and saved the female camel.
- सा० 104