2023-02-17 10:21:09 by ambuda-bot

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A mango tree bends low when it is loaded with fruits.
It regales those who seek refuge in it and regales them
even by offering them sweet fruits and fragrance.
Similarly, the deity whom we worship bestows many
benefits on the worshippers like us but also offers many
other benefits.
469. बकबन्धनन्यायः
Once a person wanted to catch a crane. He pelted a
ball of butter on the head of it. After some time, the
butter started melting and the liquid entered into the
eyes of the crane. It became easy for the person to
catch the bird because it could not see anything. The
maxim points out that the people adopt difficult ways
unnecessarily when the things can be attained easily.
470. achafazara:
A crane is accustomed to feign meditation and keeps
its eye on the fish below. It catches the fish as soon as
it comes near it. Its meditation is mere hypocracy.
The maxim, with the example of the crane, hints at a
person who acts like a hypocrite.
471. बधिरकर्णन्यायः
Cf. उधरवृष्टिन्याय, अन्धदर्पणन्याय, बधिरशङ्खनादन्याय
-लौकिकसाहस्री, पृ० 115, 116
This maxim is applied to certain futile actions like
whispering some secret information in the ears of a
deaf man. That effort of speaking slowly or loudly is
of no use. Similar maxims, seventeen in number are
enumented in Ho (pp. 115, 116)
472. बहुच्छिद्रघटप्रदीपन्यायः
ज्ञानं यस्य तु चक्षुरादिकरणद्वारा बहिः स्पन्दते ।