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460. <headword>प्रभुभृत्यन्यायः
The maxim declares that affection shown by the master

for his servant and the devotion of the servant for his

master, indicate mutual faith.

461. <headword>प्रमदान्यायः
A beautiful lady gives delight to her husband. Another
person who sees her, is dismayed as he does not have
a similarly beautiful wife. Her cowife, if he has any,
creates further envy in her. This shows that various
types of feelings are nursed by different persons about
one person only.
--सा० 9
A beautiful lady gives delight to her husband. Another
person who sees her, is dismayed as he does not have
a similarly beautiful wife. Her cowife, if he has any,
creates further envy in her. This shows that various
types of feelings are nursed by different persons about
one person only.
462. <headword>प्रवत्स्यद्भर्तृकान्यायः
A lady sees that her husband going on a journey.
Imagining the future pain of separation, she cries before
him and tries to cancel his journey as she is unable to
bear the pangs of separation.
463 <headword>प्रसक्तप्रतिषेधन्यायः
- सा० 928
A lady sees that her husband going on a journey.
Imagining the future pain of separation, she cries before
him and tries to cancel his journey as she is unable to
bear the pangs of separation.
( 1 ) प्रसज्य प्रसक्ति सम्पाद्यारोप्येति यावत्प्रतिषेधः

अत्यन्ताभावे प्रसक्तं हि प्रतिविध्यत इति न्यायेन

आरोपितं प्रसङ्गस्यैव निषेधः । तेन वायौ रूपं नास्ति,

इत्यादावपि वायौ रूपारोपं कृत्वैव निषेधो नञा बोध्यत,

इति विवेकः

-मीमांसान्यायकोश, पृ० 252.

Where prohibition or negation is principal, it is Prasajya

Pratiședha. In other cases it is called Paryudāsa. The

prohibition in the case of the former one pertains to a

verb while in the case of the latter, it is connected with

some noun.