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Vedantins try to rebut the Samkhya doctrine, as they

were relatively stronger.

457. <headword>प्रपाणकरन्याय</headword> (<headword>पानकरसन्याय </headword>)

सकलसहृदयसंवादभाजा साधारण्येन स्वाकार इवाभिन्नोऽपि

गोचरीकृतश्चर्व्यमाणंतैकप्राणो विभावादिजीविव्यवधिः

पानकरसन्यायेन चार्ण्यमाणः
अलौकिकचमत्कारकारी शृङ्गारादिको रसः ।
... ब्रह्मस्वादमिवानुभावयन्

अलौकिकचमत्कारकारी शृङ्गारादिको रसः।
- -काव्यप्रकाश उल्लास 4, पृ० 93

In a particular drink ( Pānaka), different things like

sugar, pepper, ginger. are added which gives a peculiar

taste to the drink, which is different from the individual

substances added to it. The maxim states that the unified

taste of all these ingredients gives a different sweet

458. <headword>प्रपामेलनन्यायः
यथा काष्ठं च काष्ठं च समेयातां महोदधौ

समेत्य च व्यपेयातां तद्वज्जीवसमागमः ॥ --सा० 868

- -बाल्मीकिरामायण, अयोध्याकाण्ड, 105-25

Many travellers come to drink water at a water-place

(Prapā). They drink water and proceed further. They
come together only for a few moments and are separated

come together only for a few moments and are separated
again like the two logs of wood coming near each

other in the vast ocean. Similarly, human beings in this

world come in contact with one another only to be

separated like the two logs of wood in the ocean.

459. <headword>प्रभातमेघन्यायः
The morning clouds rarely shower. Similarly even good

persons do not extend any help if approached at odd

time, says the maxim.