2023-02-17 10:21:09 by ambuda-bot

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by keeping contact or by remaining in the company of
the prominent persons.
455. प्रदीपन्यायः
कश्चिदेकदेशस्थः सर्वं शास्त्रमभिज्वलयति, यथा प्रदीपः ।
सुप्रज्वलित एकदेशस्थः सर्वं वेश्माभिज्वलयति ॥
एकदेशस्थिता शास्त्रभवने याति दीयताम् ।
परितो व्यापतां भाषां परिभाषां प्रचक्षते ॥
This maxim takes into consideration the main charac-
teristic of a lamp-.
- नागेश उद्योत, पृ० 8
The wick, oil and fire which are quite different,
come together to do the pious work of producing
and giving light to the people.
The lamp is kept in one place only but it gives
light upto a long distance. The maxim suggests
that even contradictory things can give good result
if they come together.
456. प्रधानमललनिबर्हणन्यायः
The three types of Adhikarīs are compared with the
three constituents of the lamp.
Ex. ( एतेन सर्वे व्याख्याता - ) अतः प्रधानमनिबर्हण -
न्यायेनातिदिशति । एतेन प्रधानकारणवादप्रतिषेधन्यायकलापेन
सर्वेऽपवादिकारणवादा अपि प्रतिषिद्धतया व्याख्याता
वेदितव्याः ।
- ब्रह्मसूत्र, शाङ्करभाष्य 1.4.28; सा० 244
If a strong prominent wrestler is defeated, it becomes
easy to defeat other wrestlers who are less powerful
than the defeated one. On this ground only, the Advaita