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450 . <headword>पृष्टाकोटिन्यायः
अथ सिद्धे दुरिते का तत्सङ्ख्येति प्रायश्चित्तकदम्बाद्युक्तगणना

लिख्यते। सा च पृष्टाकोटि न्यायेन वक्तुमशक्याऽपि स्थूलोपाधि


-- धर्मनिबन्ध, लौकिकन्याय साहस्री; सा० 258

The maxim tells that even a great scholar cannot give

answers to all the questions, asked. He may not be

able to answer every question put to him but he can

definitely give some information pertaining to the

question put to him. Even a scholar has his limitations.

--सा० 587

451. <headword>पृष्ठताडनाद्दन्तभङ्गन्यायः
The maxim refers to a senseless, implausible remark

of a person that the teeth of a certain person were

broken and fell down when somebody bet him at his


452, . <headword>प्रतिनिधिन्याय:</headword> (<headword>प्रतिनिधानन्याय </headword>)

Ex. भोजनलोपेऽप्यद्भिर्वाऽन्येन वा द्रव्येणाविरुद्धेनप्रतिनि-

धानन्यायेन प्राणाग्निहोत्रस्यानुष्ठानमिति

- -ब्रह्मसूत्र, शाङ्करभाष्य, 3.3.40

The maxim incorporates a universal practice of any

group of people having a representative of them, to

deal with their problems.

453 . <headword>प्रतिबिम्बन्यायः
When a thing shakes, its reflection also seems to be

shaken. This is the meaning of this maxim.

454. <headword>प्रत्यासत्तिन्याय:
The maxim maintains that big tasks can be accomplished