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The maxim refers to an opinion of the dualist, that the
individual self and the God are quite different from
each other, though the
ya are grammaticallyakośa
The maxim refers to an opinion of the dualist, that the
individual self and the God are quite different from
each other, though they are grammatically in the same
masculine gender.
in the same
masculine gender.
443. <headword>पुष्करपलाशन्यायः
Ex. (1) ज्ञानाग्निः सर्वकर्माणि भस्मासात् कुरुते यथा

- -भगवद्गीता, 4.37

( 2 ) लिप्यते न स पापेन पद्मपत्रमिवाम्भसा

--भगवद्गीता, 5.10
The maxim describes the nature of an enlightened

person. Just as the water-drops fallen on the lotus leaves,

do not last long, the action (Karma) does not cling to

an enlightened person. The fire of knowledge burns
down all actions.

down all actions.
444. <headword>पुष्टलगुडन्यायः
- भगवद्गीता
If a stick is thrown at a dog in a group of dogs
, 5.10
If a stick is thrown at a dog in a group of dogs. it not
it not
only hits the particular dog but other dogs also.

The maxim implies that arguments advanced to refute

one point, refute some other points also.

445. <headword>पुष्पवन्तोपकारकन्यायः
The sun and the moon possess lustre (Pușpa).

Those two offer their lustre to the other planets which

happen to pass within their orbit and thus oblige them.

Similarly, says the maxim that the great men oblige
men who come in their contact.

men who come in their contact.
446 <headword>पूतिकूष्माण्डन्यायः
A pumpkin produced in a dirty place is not supposed

to be liked by everybody. It is not good for eating.

Everyone does not like to eat it. The maxim states that