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The maxim is based on the situation in which one
person strives to do something but somebod
yā else enjoyakośa
The maxim is based on the situation in which one
person strives to do something but somebody else enjoys
the fruit of it.
the fruit of it.
437, . <headword>पिष्टपेषणन्यायः
Cf. मृतमारणन्याय, जलताडनन्याय, अरण्यरोदनन्याय श्व-


-- सा०, पृ० 115-116

To grind the flour which is already ground. This is the

meaning of the maxim which suggests the habit of

unnecessary repetition of work.

--सा० 301
438 . <headword>पीलुपत्रफलन्यायः
The leaves of the Pilu tree are pungent but the fruits of

the same tree are very sweet. Taking clue from this,

the maxim suggests some discrepancies especially in

the case of prattlings of a foolish fellow. This foolish

fellow speaks in contradictory terms.

--सा० 668
439. <headword>पुत्रान्तरकाङिङ्क्षणीन्यायः
-सा० 301
यो ध्रुवाणि परित्यज्य ध्रुवाणि निषेवते

ध्रुवं तस्य निनंननष्टं स्यादध्रुवं नष्टमेव हि

-सा० 668
-हितोपदेश, मित्रलाभ 184

The maxim is based on a legend of a woman who had

one son but was eager to have one more son.

Not satisfied with one son, she began to pray God for

another son. She approached a lady who was a

hypocrite. That lady advised her to sacrifice her first

son for getting a second son. Having come to know