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432. <headword>पिण्डहित्वाकरंलेढीतिन्यायः</headword>
When a selfish person keeps the lump of food aside
and asks a hungry man to lick his hand to which some
particles of food are sticking, this maxirn has its scope.
It also indicates enjoying low type of joy, in preference
to the higher one of the realization of the supreme self.
433. <headword>पितापुत्रन्यायः</headword>
This maxim informs that one person may be both a
father and a son at the same time. He has to assume
two positions at a time.
434. <headword>पित्रनुसृतस्तनन्धयन्यायः</headword>
Ex. कृतकृत्यस्य तत्त्वविदोऽतत्त्वदुद्धारातिरिक्तकर्तव्यभावा-
द्यथा तदुद्धारः स्यात्तथा कर्तव्यम्। सुरेन्द्रादिपूज्येनापि
विदुषा पित्रनुसृतस्तनन्धयन्यायेनाज्ञोऽनुसर्तव्यः।
तैर्निन्द्यमानोऽपि देहस्य निन्द्यत्वमात्मनोऽवाङ्मनसगम्यत्वं
जानन्नोद्विजेत्। किन्तु, प्रस्तुत तच्चेष्टानुसारेण स्वयमप्या-
This maxim describes a man of Brahma realization
who behaves in a very simple, innocent manner like a
father, imitating his son in his innocence and simplicity.
435. <headword>पिपीलिकान्यायः</headword>--<headword>पिपीलिकागतिन्यायः</headword>
This maxim lauds the spirit of endeavour. An ant for
example, tries patiently and strenuously to climb the
tree to taste a fruit. Similarly, the maxim states that a
man can also accomplish difficult tasks by endeavouring
patiently. Even to enjoy Brahma-realization patience of
an ant is required.
436. <headword>पिपीलिकापन्नगन्यायः</headword>
The ants prepare an ant hill. But the serpents live in it