2023-02-17 10:21:06 by ambuda-bot

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anywhere or on anything available nearby. If he comes
across a cat, he cuts its head with his weapon and does
not spare even a cat.
399. निवातस्थितदीपन्यायः
Ex. यथा दीपो निवातस्थो नेङ्गते सोपमा स्मृता ।
योगिनो यतचित्तस्य युञ्जतो योगमात्मनः ॥
A lamp burns steadily and slowly in a windless place.
It neither flickers nor fades in quiet, windless place.
Similarly the mind of a person never becomes fickle
who observes perfect self control and tranquility-says
the maxim.
400. निषादस्थपतिन्यायः
401. नीलेन्दीवरन्यायः
- भगवद्गीता VI.19; सा० 637
Niṣāda is an artisan, a carpenter in particular. In
Mīmāṁsā and some Śāstras, the compound 'Niṣāda-
sthapati' occurs. The Mimāṁsā writers opine that the
compound is Karmdhāraya and not a Tatpurușa com-
pound. The nature of the compound is also discussed
in some commentaries of the Brahmasūtras. It shows
that Karmadhāraya compound is more powerful than
Şaşthi Tatpuruṣa compound.
Cf. करिबृंहितन्यायः करकडूणन्यायः, चंद्रज्योत्स्नान्यायः,
गजघटान्यायः, वाजिमन्दुरान्यायः, मृगवागुरान्याय।
- सा० 209
In all these, generally the initial word is redundant,
though there may be some reason for redundancy.
The word 'Indīvara' itself means blue lotus.
The word Nila blue need not be added to it but sometime