2023-02-17 10:21:05 by ambuda-bot

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364. दुर्वामूलन्यायः
The roots of grass spread deep into the earth. They
are not seen apparently but with the rainfall, the sprouts
of little delicate green grass come up from the ground.
The things may not be visible from outside but if their
roots have gone deep down like the grass, they do not
die. The maxim based on this phenomenon suggests
that principles are too deep to be examined by their
external appearance.
365. दृष्टिसृष्टिन्यायः
Ex. एवं दृष्टिसृष्टिन्यायेनास्मत्कल्पितोऽव्ययं वियदादिप्रपञ्चोऽ-
स्मत्सुषुप्तौ लीयतेऽस्मत् प्रबोधे यथापूर्वं प्रादुर्भवति ।
-सा० 918
The creator creates the world of sentient and insentient
beings but all that world gets dissolved in the night of
the creator i.e.Brahmā. It appears again when the day
of Brahmã rises- All the creation is thus appearance
and disappearance in the day and night of Brahmā.
366. देवताधिकरणन्यायः
Some scholars maintain that many scriptural statements
describe the image of the deities. Actually, the image
form is not natural. It is superimposed on deities.
But it can be argued that though some statements
underline the devotion to the deities, the implied meaning
can be proved to be the real one, in accordance with
the maxim of Devatādhikaraṇa.
367. देवदत्तशौर्यन्यायः
Devadatta's fame as a brave hero is limited to a particular
town in which he is living. Others, living out side that
town may not have any idea about his bravery. A person