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350 दर्पणमुखावलोकनन्यायः
The mirror gives the exact and correct reflection of a
thing. If the thing is ugly or dirty, the reflection will be
ugly but if it is beautiful, it will give beautiful reflection.
This is the meaning of this maxim.
351. दर्वीपाकरसन्यायः
A spoon is placed in a vessel, containing some soup
for taking it out and serving. The spoon is in contact
with the soup or curry for a long time; but it cannot
relish the taste of the soup. So also, an ignorant man
cannot learn or know anything, even though he is
surrounded by books or learned men.
352. दशमविवेकन्यायः
This maxim is based on a legend. Ten stupid fellows
went on a journey. At one place, one of them began to
count his co-travellers. He counted them (barring
himself) and complained that somebody was missing.
Another person started counting in the same manner
and complained that one of them was left behind.
Another traveller came there and counted them ten
fellows, as all of them forgot to count themselves. A
third man, a learned wise person was required to tell
them that they were ten. This implies that only a wise
preceptor can give proper guidance.
353. दशहरान्यायः
See पञ्चदशी, तृप्तिदीप, 23-28
Cf. प्रायशिक्त विवेक, पृ० 81.
The maxim tells that he who observes a vow on the
tenth day of the bright half of Jyeṣṭha month, gets rid
of all the sins. When many profits are gained with one
act, this maxim is used.