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स्तुवन्ति ये स्तुतिभिरमूभि रन्वहं त्रयीमयीं त्रिभुवनमातरं रमाम् ।

गुणाधिका गुरुतरभाग्यभागिनो भवन्ति ते भुवि बुघभाविताशया: ॥25॥

Those who daily hail hymnally by these verses

Ramā, the mother of the three worlds, and the embodi-

ment of the three Vedas, would excel in great qualities,

attain the very peak of prosperity and be honoured for

their intellectual attainments.

सुवर्णधारास्तोतौत्रं यच्छङ्कराचार्य निर्मितम् ।

त्रिसन्ध्यं य: पठेन्नित्यं स कुबेरसमो भवेत् ॥26॥

One who daily repeats at dawn, noon and dusk this

hymn of golden downpour would become a peer of

Kubera the lord of riches.

इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचर्यस्य श्रीमच्छङ्करभगवतः कृतिषु कनकधारा-

स्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ॥

Thus ends the Hymn of the Rain of Gold among

the several compositions of the uparalleled preceptor

Bhagavatpäda Sri SanŚrī Śaṅkaraārācharya of the great Parama-

sa ascetic status.