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I will say only in passing that I hope on some future occasion
to show that what is true of Bhavabhûti is true of his great
predecessor, Kalidasa. If that is so, a vista of antiquity opens up
for our book. For it is certain now that Kâlidâsa must be put
earlier than has lately been very generally supposed. He stands
near the beginning of our era,
if indeed he does not overtop it, and
dates from the year of Vikrama's era. It is enough, however, for
my present purpose, if you will bear in mind that this Kamasutra
of Vâtsyâyana can be shown to have been known to Subandhu
and Bhavabhfiti. It contains much that is in conflict with the
poet's dream of the "unchanging East" and his belief that India
is a country in which all things have continued as they were from
the beginning. But its evidence cannot, I believe, be overturned
It is with a full conviction of the authenticity and antiquity of the
book that I proceed to lay before you a translation of that chapter
in which Vâtsyâyana lays down the rules which, in his opinion, in
all ordinary cases, should govern the relations of the sexes before
mairiage. ****
«*** Your edition of Vâtsyâyana's Kâmasutra will be a valu-
able publication, and I am glad that you have been induced to
bring it out **** Dr F Kelhorn Ph. D, CI E (Gottingen
"*** To judge from the printed sheets sent to us, the latter
(Vâtsyâyana's Kâmasûtra) will be a most interesting and valuable
publication (The Academy 26-3-87 )
"I had extreme pleasure in receiving your elegant aud accurate
edition of the Kamasutra, which is a most important contribution
to Indology.***" Dr. R. Garbe (16 Prinzenstrassc, Königsberg
। Pr. 19-4-91.)
का० ४८