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Jânaki<error>í</error><fix>î</fix>parinaya is a Kaâvya written by Chakra Kavi. It
is gathered from the portions* of the verse at the end of the
sargas of this Kaâvya that his parents were Ambâ and Lokanâtha-
sudhiî, that his son Râmachandra was well-versed in all Sâma
Veda, that he was a poetic genius even from his Upanayana
sacrament and his work was admired by Pândṇḍya and Chera
kings and also by Nilakantîlakaṇṭha Adhvari and that he wrote two
other Kâvyas named, Rukmini<error>n</error><fix>ṇ</fix>îparinaya and Pârvatîparinaya.
Chitraratnâkara, a work dealing with Sabdálankâra contains
the following verse.
"रुक्मिणीजानकीगौरीद्रौपदीपरिणीतयः ।
कृतयो यस्य तस्यै<flag>षा</flag> कृतिश्चक्रकवेः शुभा ॥"
which shows that he has also written two more works, namely,
Chitraratnâkara and Draupadiîparinaya. It is probable that Niîla-
ka<error>nt</error><fix>ṭ</fix>ha Adhvari referred to in this work is the same as the famous
Nilakantîlakaṇṭha Diîkshita, the anthor of Sivaliîlárnava, Nilakantîlakaṇṭha-
vijaya and other works. Hence the author, Chakrakavi may be
a contemporary of Nîlakant<error>nt</error><fix>ṇṭ</fix>ha Diîkshita who lived in the first
half of the 17th century A. D.
* 'यं सूनुं जनयाम्बभूव महितः श्रीलोकनाथः सुधीः ख्यातं चक्रकविं <flag></flag>तीसमुदयैः
सम्मानिताम्बाभिधा ।
'यत्पुत्रो भुवि वेत्ति सामनिगमं श्रीरामचन्द्रोऽखिलम्' (८ सर्गः )
'सावित्र्या सममेव यं श्रितवती वाग्देवता सादरम्' (३ सर्गः )
'पाण्ड्यमहीभुजा बहुमते नव्ये तदीये महाकाव्ये' (२. सर्गः )
'चेरावनीवासवश्लाघासीमनि' (४ सर्गः )
'श्रीनीलकण्ठाध्वरिश्लाघासीमनि ( ६ सर्गः )
'रुक्मिणीपरिणयभ्रातरि' (५ सर्गः )

'पार्वतीपरिणयभ्रातरि' (७ सर्ग:)