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The descriptive portions of Harsha Charitam,
in the original, are in many respects more difficult
to adapt and condense, than those of Kadambari.
So a good deal of it had to be dropped for making
the book suitable as a Middle Grade text. But I
have taken care not to omit dialogues and portions
useful for historical research.
As I propose publishing separately the first
two Ucchvasas and a half of the third, as 'Bhatta
Bana Charitam,' in this volume, I include only
what might be conveniently styled Harsha Chari.
tam proper.
I cannot sufficiently thank Mahamahopa
dhyaya S. Kuppuswamy Sastriar Avl., M.A., I.E.S.
Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology
Presidency College, Madras who, like his predeces.
sor, the late Professor Rao Bahadur M. Rangachari
ar in the case of my Kadambari Sangraha, helpe
me considerably by going through the manuscript
offering useful suggestions and encouraging me t
bring out this edition.
In conclusion, my heartfelt thanks are due t
Sri. P. P. S. Sastriar Avl., B. A. (OXON.
M. A., M. R. A. S., Superintendent of Sanskrit school
and Colleges, Madras, who in spite of his nume
rous duties, readily found time to oblige me b
furnishing this book with a very valuable intr