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कृष्णांघ्रिचारुकमलार्पितचित्तवृत्तिः ।
दास्माकहृत्सरसिजेऽस्तु स मध्वहंसः ॥
Saint Vādirāja: Rukminīśa Vijaya I-5
The Vaāyustuti of Trivikrama Panḍita which upholds the
sarvottamatva of Lord Śrī Viṣṇu and the jivottamatva of
Śrī Vāyu holds a most hallowed and honoured place in the
Madhva saṃādhva saṁpradāya. It consists of 41 verses in the diffi-
cult sragdharā metre and the Nakhastuti of Ācārya Śrī
Madhva is prefixed to it. The Nakhastuti is read both at
the beginning and the end of the pārāyaṇa of Vāyustuti.
For the circumstances leading to the composition of Nakha-

stuti read the foreword written by Pandit Sri M. Rama Rao
to this book. The puraścarana of Vaāyustuti which is
मन्त्रतुल्य yields both secular and spiritual benefits to the
reciters according to saints Vyāsaraja and Vādirāaja. The
phalaśruti of each verse is given separately at the end of
the entire translation of the verses. I have translated this
profound and difficult work keeping in mind the Bhāgavatha
dictum : नभः पतन्त्यात्मसमं पतत्रिणः ।
It is now necessary to give a brief account of the life
and works of Trivikrama Panḍita, the most prominent of
the Taulava disciples of the aācārya, who composed this
powerful hymn in praise of the three avataārs of Śrī Vāyu-
Hanūmān, Bhima and Madhva. Fortunately for us some
information is available in the Sumadhva Vijaya of Nārā-
yaṇa Panḍita, the youngest son of Trivikrama Panḍita.