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In this verse the poet begs the ācārya to enable him als
to listen to his marvellous discourses.
according to Śrī Madhva the Śästra includes the
entire gamut of the vedas, Moola Ramayana, Mahabharata,
the puranas and pancaratra. He also quotes a pramāna from
Skānda purāna.
ऋग्यजु: सामाथर्वाणो भारतं पञ्चरात्रकं ।
मूलरामायणं चैवं शास्त्रमित्यभिधीयते । (B. 3. Bhasya 1-1-3)
The bhasyas of the acarya are closely based on the valid
scriptures and backed by suitable pramāṇas. They are indeed
marvellous and such that they uproot the unhappiness found
in the disciples (and listeners). They are free from all defects
such as repetition, contradiction, understatement, overstate-
ment and misinterpretation. They are couched in simple, eleg-
ant language but at the same time they are pregnant with
deep significance. They are so simple that they can be unders-
tood by dull persons and so difficult that even pandits cannot
comprehend them fully. (M.V. IX-8-12)
रोचयन्त = आनन्दयन्तीं उच्चय: समूह:
चित्रां ==विविधश्रुतिस्मृतीतिहासपुराणांद्युपन्या सेनाऽश्चर्यरुपां व्याख्यां व्याख्यानम्
(वे. य.)
at the disciples of the acărya possess pure and
steadfast minds on account of their observance of right
conduct and performance of righteous deeds in their past

प्राचीनं = प्राकू, पूर्वजन्म सु
आचीपर्णानि = आचरितानि पुण्यानि