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पाषण्डवाद : - The Veda is called पा as it protects the vir-

tuous who follow what is good and abjure what is bad accor-

ding to it.

पालनाच्च त्रयीधर्मः पाशब्देननिगद्यते ।

षण्डयन्ति तु तं यस्मात् पाषण्डास्तेन कीर्तिताः ।

The Pagāṣanda vādiș are those who speak and act against

the vedic rules.

अहं ब्रह्म इति पाषण्डवाद : - The poet explains the nature of

this Pāṣanda vāda which consists in saying that there is no

difference between Jivātman and Paramātman though a

number of śruti and smriti statements clearly emphasise the

difference between the two. Some of these are :-

सत्य आत्मा सत्यो जीव: सत्य भिदा सत्यं भिदा सत्यं मिदा । आत्मा हि

परमस्वतन्त्रोऽधिगुणो जीवोऽल्पशक्तिरस्वतन्त्रोवर । such Sriti state-
śriti state-
ments as योसावसौपुरुष: सोऽहमस्मि, अहं ब्रह्मास्मि, एकमेवाद्वितीयं, नेह

नानास्ति किञ्चन etc., are misinterpreted by the Pāsandavadins to

suit their doctrine.

इदं वितथं
- The Pāṣandavādins say that the world is false

(मिथ्या) without paying any regard to the Śruti statement

सत्यं च जगदी द्रुशम्

कतिपयकुनरै :- by some wicked (low) minded persons.

तमोयोग्यजनैः or कुत्सितजनै:

दुष्प्रेक्षा - bad knowledge दुष्प्रज्ञा

आद्दतः-- accepted अङ्गीकृत:

विसृष्ट- rejected त्यक्तः
दक्षाणि- able able समर्थानि
प्रसर: ... Spreading प्रसार:
able समर्थानि